Things you can expect from working with me:

  • I will hold the space and grace for you to show up exactly as you are. Above all else, I will always strive to create a safe space and judgement-free zone. Wherever you are on your healing journey, know that this is a safe place.

  • I will challenge you and hold you accountable. If you came to work with me, it’s because you desire some sort of change in your life. I am committed to serving as a catalyst for that change. We will work at your pace, but I will invite you to be all in because I promise you, I will be.

  • I strictly abide to always protecting your confidentiality unless you or anyone else is in danger.


4 Week Momentum Package

Are you feeling stuck? You know the things you should be doing but are having trouble doing them? If you are ready to get unstuck and start taking empowered action, this is for you!




4 week Clarity Package

If you’re at a fork in the road and having difficulty determining the best way forward, this is for you! Gain clarity and move forward with confidence!


90 Day Transformation Program

In our one on one work together, we want to create the kind of lasting impact that stays with you through your life. And that takes time.

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This is why this intensive coaching program spans over 90 days. In this program, we will work one-on-one weekly in hour-long Zoom sessions for twelve weeks.

In between sessions, you also receive email support as well as customized materials to enhance your experience.


15 minute guided visualization

Stepping into the life you want starts with your mindset. I have taken my experience as a meditation teacher and merged it with my work as a coach.

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I will create for you a customized meditation/visualization calling into your life exactly what you long to create. This is extremely powerful in helping you to get UNSTUCK and to get that forward momentum toward reaching your goals.

These Mental Rehearsals are 15 minutes in length, completely customized to YOU, and are most effective if you can listen to them consistently in the mornings.


Free 45 minute Discovery Session

Let’s talk. No strings attached. I want this to be a good fit for you as much as you do, and if it’s not, that’s okay!

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Before taking you on as a client, I want to get to know you. We will begin with a 45 minute free discovery session. Let’s discuss your desired outcomes, where you feel stuck, how coaching might benefit you, which coaching package is best suited to meet your needs and answer any questions you may have for me.