A little about me …

I am a stubborn optimist. No matter how hard life gets, I perpetually look for the silver linings. I am passionate about helping women get out of their own way to enable them to step into the lives they were born to live!

I have worked as a dental hygienist, an actor, a yoga instructor, a meditation teacher, and am so grateful to have been able to merge the things I loved most about each of those parts of my journey. I truly feel that I have found my calling in Life Coaching.

If you’ve been through it, I get it.

I have been divorced.
I have been widowe⁠d.
I have been stuck in a career I hated.⁠
I have had a failed business.⁠
I have often felt broken, unloveable, and not enough.
I have gone through periods of lost faith, identity and purpose.⁠
I have tried many unhealthy ways to feel better (including booze, men & food.)
I have had my heart broken and have broken hearts.⁠
I have spent years blaming myself, hating myself, losing myself.

But this is not where my story ends. And this does not have to be where yours ends either.

I know how awful it feels to be stuck. To feel like you’ve failed. To feel like everyone but you has their entire life figured out. I have been there. Many times. And I am committed to now helping people know that they are not alone and that there is a different and better way to live.

I am passionate about helping women move forward in their lives – to step into lives they are excited about! I help them to get clarity on where they are going, to get out of their own way, and to feel empowered as they take steps forward.

It’s true that life can be brutally unforgiving, but we have the power to rise above our circumstances. I have personally discovered ways to step into that power and am no longer willing to have life dictate who I choose to be. I have developed tools to help others move forward with greater purpose and become the author of their own lives. I am so grateful to now know what it feels like to be free, joyful, and empowered. I would love to partner with you on your journey toward that same end.

When I’m not busy coaching, I am spending time with my husband, my two amazing stepkids, my two dogs, practicing yoga, cooking up new concoctions in the kitchen, and writing on yoga philosophy.

So excited to meet you and watch as you uncover the most radiant version of you.

With love & light,


Rachel received her training from the Health Coach Institute in a dual-certification program
She is both a Certified Health Coach & Certified Life Coach
with her focus being on life coaching.